Today will see one example application of IOT in real time road traffic vehicular network for signal Automation and Monitoring.
Adaptive traffic signal control with vehicular
Ad Hoc networks
we propose to use vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) to collect and aggregate real-time speed and position information on individual vehicles to optimize signal control at traffic intersections. We first formulate the vehicular traffic signal control problem as a job scheduling problem on processors, with jobs corresponding to platoons of vehicles. Under the assumption that all jobs are of equal size, we give an online algorithm, referred to as the oldest job first (OJF) algorithm, to minimize the delay across the intersection. We prove that the OJF algorithm is 2-competitive, implying that the delay is less than or equal to twice the delay of an optimal offline schedule with perfect knowledge of the arrivals. We then show how a VANET can be used to group vehicles into approximately equal-sized platoons, which can then be scheduled using OJF.
Fig. VANET-based traffic signal control
We call this the two-phase approach, where we first group the vehicular traffic into platoons and then apply the OJF algorithm, i.e., the oldest arrival first (OAF) algorithm. Our simulation results show that, under light and medium traffic loads, the OAF algorithm reduces the delays experienced by vehicles as they pass through the intersection, as compared with vehicle-actuated methods, Webster's method, and pretimed signal control methods. Under heavy vehicular traffic load, the OAF algorithm performs the same as the vehicle-actuated traffic method but still produces lower delays, as when compared with Webster's method and the pretimed signal control method.
The speed
and location information on vehicles that can be disseminated to the traffic signal controller using VANETs are both spatially and temporally fine-grained. Such precise
per- vehicle speed and location information can enable additional capabilities such as being able to predict the time instance
when vehicles will reach the stop line of the intersection. This
is in comparison with roadside sensors such as loop detectors that can only detect the presence or absence of vehicles and, at
best estimate, the size of vehicle queues. Furthermore, it is
cheaper to equip vehicles with wireless devices than to install
roadside equipment
- Robust Control for Urban Road Traffic Networks
- Ensemble Tracking
- Leveraging video annotations in video-based e-learning
- A three-dimensional adaptive PSO-based packing algorithm for an IoT-based automated -fullfillment packaging system
- Peak Load Shifting in the Internet of Energy With Energy Trading Among End-Users
If anyone is interested for doing Research in above subject for BTech/MTech/PHD Engineering project work
Kindly Contact Below
Contact Details:
Santosh Gore Sir
Ph:09096813348 / 8446081043 / 0253-6644344
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